Happy Current Rainy Season, all! Brother Bernard has not been exactly dormant throughout the year-plus of silence from the Tales of Britain blog, though he has been known to hibernate for a generation or three. It's true that the arrival of Nephew Neddy has slowed the output of fresh folktales, or legendary site visits*, but…

Bath Plug Award 2023: Julian Clary

Fatherhood out in the Bath bush makes it easy to feel all-but retired from leaping up on stages and making loud noises these days, and yet, besides the approaching joys of Tales of Britain in Ludlow in June and FAB FOOLS LIVE in Clifton in July, I have just survived a couple of the old…


What with a global pandemic and moving out to the Somerset sticks, getting married and producing a disarmingly cute small person, the LIVE! section of this website isn't one I'd been expecting to bristle with much activity ever again, compared to the years when shenanigans with The Unrelated Family begat playing burlesque filth on the…


THURsday, 19 December 2019 Thank You – For Auld Lang's Syne MERRY YULE, Folklore Funsters! We know there's officially no Folklore Thursday this week, but as autumn ends and a new decade begins, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped make this launch year for us, after 15 years of hard…


The Bath Comedy Festival originally took me by surprise, when it kicked off several years ago. For a while, I felt like I was the only person in the city running any kind of local comedy scene, with The Unrelated Family sketch shows (there was Mirth Control, but this tended to be very catholic stand-up…

Fry & Laurie & Heavy Metal

Oh, and by the way, yes, there's also this...   For any Hugh Laurie / Heavy and/or Light Metal fans out there. It all goes so almost well by my standards until 'Big Bottom', where sadly I lose whatever thread I had, flee from the key and start impercetibly growling. No sound check, you see.…

The Unrelated Family: Rutles Megamix

It's been a long time, now I'm coming back home – I've been away now, oh how... Hm. But I thought I'd just underline the point that I have next-to-no shame by openly sharing this video on what we might call this 'blog' affair. We in The Unrelated Family do aim to one day follow in…